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The town of Honeywood is full of Employed individuals whose services the Player can make use of. Items such as Seeds, Tools, or Food are readily available for purchase. These products change from day to day. If any of these Villagers are taken by Death, a new Villager to replace them will come with the Sailors by the weekend. Ships might not come in Winter.

These Villagers may be wed, regardless of their sex and that of the Player. A daily allowance can be claimed from them, and their services can be accessed far more readily than if they were a mere citizen.


Animal Farmer

Sells animal products as well as Pets and Livestock. Can be located at Bayley Dairy Farm to the west of town.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: ?


Sells products for baking such as Flour as well as many Baked Goods. Can be located at Sweet Dough Bakery to the west of the center of town.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: ?

Bee Keeper

Sells Honey. Can be located at Bloom's Bee Farm to the south west of the Player's Farm.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: ?


Honeywood's metal worker, can be found at The Local Iron located to the west of the town square. They have multiple kinds of Tools available, as well as supplies for your own smithing needs. Occasionally they will have Seeds to sell. Most importantly they sell Wedding Rings of varying value.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: 40


Sells the Meat of animals as well as where Livestock can be Butchered. Can be found at Jones Butcher Shop, directly to the west of Town Hall.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: 20


Sells Crafting supplies such as Wood as well as items to personalize your Home. See them to upgrade your Home, Coop, or Barn. Can be found at Brothers Carpentry north west of the Player's Farm.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: 40


Sells medicine and can diagnose Diseases. Can be found at Apothecary & Cures in the center of town. Also sells occasional in season Forageables. Cannot be killed with a Death Cake.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: ?


Sells Crops and Seeds. Can be found in the field to the south west of your Farm.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: ?


Sells Fishing Rods and Fish. Can be found at The Fish Shack to the south west of the center of town.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: ?


Sells in season Forageables as well as hunted animal products or goods from the forest like Elderberries. Can be found at the Hunter Cabin west of town. Cannot be killed with a Death Cake.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: ?

Indigo Farmer

Sells Seeds and Crops and most notably indigo dye. Can be found at Ryle Family Farm in the north east field directly west of your Farm.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: 30

Inn Keeper

Sells Cooked Dishes and Beer. Can be found at the Sleeping Siren Inn in the evening, located at the south of town by the docks.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: 40

Lighthouse Keeper

Tends the lighthouse on the far eastern side of Thistle Island. They sell Soap and Lavender, but most importantly it is where to buy a Marriage Bouquet, a necessary item for proposing.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: 40


The lawful leader of Honeywood. Sells Adoption Papers and charges weekly Taxes. Can be found in and around the Town Hall. Because of the regularity of the quest Pay Weekly Taxes, they can be frequently found on the Map. Note that there is no exemption from Taxes upon Marriage.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: 120


Is responsible for all clothing related items and sells things such as Thread. Can be found at O'Dell Clothing Shop on the eastern side of the center of town.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: ?


Teaches the Children of Honeywood. Occasionally sells Toys.
Pay collected from them as a spouse: ?


Sells ingredients that can be used in Potion Brewing. Occasionally sells Death Cake or the Recipe for it. Cannot be killed with Death Cake and cannot be married.


Children, both of Villagers and the Player, can be Apprenticed to any Employed townsfolk to take the job as Adults. A Child cannot be an Apprentice and be a Farm Helper, nor can they go to School. If your Heir is Employed, they lose their Occupation upon becoming the Player.

Availabe Apprenticeships

Occupation Location Max Occupancy Skill Gained Starter NPC Head Pay
Animal Farmer Bayley Dairy Farm 3 Farming Matthew Bayley 30
Baker Sweet Dough Bakery 2 Cooking Martha Lloyd 20
Bee Keeper Bloom's Bee Farm 3 ??? Mabel Chestney ?
Blacksmith The Local Iron 2 Crafting Rowland Smith 10
Butcher Jones Butcher Shop 2 ??? Gigi Johns 5
Carpenter Brothers Carpentry 3 Crafting Jack Watt ?
Doctor Apothecary & Cures 2 ??? Jessop Edwards 15
Fisher The Fish Shack ??? Fishing Rose Swayne ?
Hunter Hunter Cabin 3 Foraging Walter Hull ?
Indigo Farmer Ryle Family Farm 3 Farming Jacob Ryle ?
Inn Keeper Sleeping Siren Inn 3 Cooking Kat Hopkins 10
Lighthouse Keeper Lavender Boutique 2 Crafting Luna McBelle ?
Milliner O'Dell Clothing Shop 2 Crafting Tom O'Dell ?
Teacher School 2 ??? James Hutton ?