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A A screenshot of a funeral.

Death is the final state of all living things. Organic matter such as Crops and Fish eventually turn into Rot. (note about farm animals). Villagers and the Player have a larger impact upon their death. They may succumb to Poison, Illness, or simply Old Age. Villager death is potentially inconvenient if an Employed individual dies; their services are unavailable for the next few days but a new Villager moves in and takes their place by the weekend. Pregnant characters and Children cannot die.


(Page Writer does not have the details of this information so please edit and add if you know more about this) Ingesting Death Cap or Death Cake is a sure fire way to Poison yourself, activating the Death Imminent buff. This buff may be removed with the Dissolve Disease potion, which can also rid you of Disease. If not, you will die in five minutes. Your demise has you fall to the ground with a very purple face and your eyes are replaced with Xs. If you are attempting to Poison and kill a Villager, a Death Cake will be required. This recipe can be purchased from Astra Vosen. Note that the Villagers immune to Poison are those with the profession of Witch, Doctor, Hunter, and those with Foraging hobby.


Disease is a regular plight in Honeywood. Sailors often bring Diseases with them and can infect or kill half the town by their next visit. The only Villager who is totally immune is Astra Vosen and likely the Doctor and their family, or at least not likely to become fatally ill. The Player can Innoculate themselves from catching Smallpox by paying the Doctor 200 gold (this might only last for a year? Not sure). They are immune from all Diseases for a day with the use of Soap. Currently there is no way to prevent the Player's Family from falling ill beyond gifts of Soap, which is not a guarantee. If the Player is quarantining themselves due to Disease, they can mail in their Taxes and not physically interact with anyone. Infecting a Villager with the intent of biological assassination is a possibility, but without Potions to rid themselves of a potentially fatal Disease it is a very risky endeavor.

Old Age

The best form of Death. Villagers and the Player in the Elder stage, indicated by grey hair and standing and walking with a hunched back, are the only ones who can die of Old Age.

Player Death

The Player may die due to any of the above reasons. Any cause will bring about the Death Imminent buff which, with the exception of Poison, cannot be removed with any Potion. Poison and some Diseases have a very limited time period before the Player's Death, but with most Diseases they have a longer time before they expire. The heart between the Food and Energy bars gradually depletes and once it is empty the Player falls to the ground with Xs replacing their eyes. If they do not have a Child or Spouse it is immediate game over. If they do have any of these then one of them may be selected and the game can be continued living on through this new Player. However, the Skills gained by their predecessor are reset and replaced by what the new Player learned as a Child from attending School or by being an Appreniceships Apprentice.


A ceremony of remembrance for a Villager that has died. They are held at 3PM/15:00 in the Graveyard the day following the announcement of their Death. Spirits in Limbo do not comment on whether or not the Player attended their Funeral nor does it affect their Relationships with them, so Funerals can be missed but are attended by most of the town so are great ways to interact with a large amount of them at once.


Spirits of the Deceased gather here as they are unable to pass into True Death (this is a game wiki and not a place to discuss the philosophies regarding Death, just go with it). The Player can interact with them, sometimes being given quests with the reward of Elder Plums. Limbo is the location of the Pillars needed to be unlocked so Spirits may pass on.


The Settings may be altered so that the Player or the whole town cannot catch Diseases, or to die from Old Age.