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An in-game screenshot of a basic farming plot, showing 12 planted turnips in the middle stages of growth. The basic farm house and mailbox are behind the patch of crops, and it is sunny.
A basic patch of crops in Echoes of the Plum Grove

Farming is a key element of Echoes of the Plum Grove, and is the primary mechanic for the player to earn money. It is one of the Skills the player can level up over time. Farming refers to both the act of planting and cultivating crops, and that of raising animals to Butcher or for their produce. Crop farming requires the use of Tools such as the Hoe and Watering Can. Animal farming requires the player to build a Coop or Barn.

Farming Basics

In order to plant crops or build Coops and Barns, the land will need to be cleared. Various tools are needed for clearing different obstacles: the Scythe for large weeds, the hoe for large bushes, a Pickaxe for rocks, and an Axe for stumps or trees. Once clear, the land can be hoed to make seeds plantable. Hoed ground will revert to unhoed, unplantable ground overnight if left empty. Hoed ground may also be fertilized to improve crop yield and quality. A Composter can be constructed to turn rot into fertilizer.

Seeds are planted in hoed ground. Planted seeds must be watered the day they are planted; if not, they will be lost at midnight. All crops are seasonal, and their seeds may only be planted in their specified season(s). No seeds are plantable during winter; only persimmons may be harvested from grown trees.

Crops should be watered daily. A growing plant will turn brown if left unwatered one day and can be revived with water the following day (though its growth will be delayed). If a browned plant is not watered for a second consecutive day, it will die and need to be removed by the scythe.

Farming Skill

An in-game screenshot of the icon that represents the skills tab. It depicts a scroll of paper with progress bars drawn on it, all at different levels of completion. The scrolls is inside a cream box, outlined in beige with rounded edges. The icon sits against a background of a slightly lighter beige than the outline.
An in-game screenshot of the icon that leads to the Skills tab.

Doing Farming-Related actions will level up your farming skill over time. You will receive the rewards for farming levels when sleeping after reaching the next level. Your progress in leveling up the farming skill can be tracked in your Family tab, by clicking on the relevant member of the family and then onto the middle icon, which leads to the skills tab.

The farming skill can be increased by the following actions: harvesting crops, fruit trees, or bushes; milking goats and cows, and shearing sheep. Leveling up in the skill will unlock Blueprints, Recipes, and items, while reaching level 5 or 10 will unlock two perks for the player to choose between.

Perk Name Prerequisite Perk Level Perk Effect
None Level 5 Greater chance of producing higher quality crops.
Animal Whisperer None Level 5 Your Animals will yield more produce.
Farmer Perk Level 10 Trees produce more yield.
Green Thumb Farmer Perk Level 10 Crops will yield more produce.
Breeder Animal Whisperer Perk Level 10 Animals will produce more offspring.
Prized Animal Whisperer Perk Level 10 Butchering will yield more Meat.

Perks cannot be changed once chosen, so it is important to consider carefully before picking which perk - and it's follow up options, if picking at Level 5 - will benefit your current playstyle or generation more.


To start, the player is provided with 15 Turnip seeds after completing the beginning story of the game, found within the chest in your house alongside the tools needed to start farming. The player can also receive 5 each of Turnip, Onion, Pea, Cabbage, Potato and Wheat seeds from Quentin Whitfield after completing the Know Your Neighbors quest given after signing the deed to the farm in the Town Hall.

Seeds may be stored in chests indefinitely, and do not rot. Once harvested, crops have a chance to yield seeds again, allowing for replanting. The player can purchase seeds from the farmers at the Ryle Family Farm, Bloom Bee Farm, and Lavender Boutique as well as from other NPCs through the trade option on a rotating basis. Children are especially likely to have seeds to sell.

Fruit Trees and Bushes

There are 8 available Fruit Trees, and 2 berry bushes, which unlike other crops persist from season to season. Fruit trees can be planted in any growing Seasons: Spring, Summer, or Fall. They will grow to maturity, but will only bear fruit in their specific season. Whilst growing, trees and bushes will require daily water like other crops; once fully grown, they do not require watering again.

Fruit trees and bushes will not grow during Winter. If wishing to plant before Winter, ensure the seed is planted and watered before midnight on the last day of Fall, or the seed will disappear. Growth will resume once Spring begins.

Fruit trees will never drop seeds when being harvested, meaning that seeds will need to be purchased from Villagers or passing ships. Villagers and Children with the farming hobby may carry seeds for fruit trees, as well as Villagers who live and work on the various farms. This can be a lucrative investment, as it guarantees crop output every year without replanting, watering, or having to buy seeds on a yearly basis.

All fruit trees take 15 days before they mature. Fruit trees grow 1 crop every day during their season until there are 5 crops on the tree, at which point they must be harvested by shaking the tree for the tree to bear any further fruit.

Fruit tree Season Sell Price Rot time Candy Maker Tree
Spring Bstar.png 11
Sstar.png 17
Gstar.png 18
3 days Yes
Spring Bstar.png 12
Sstar.png 15
Gstar.png 17
4 days No

Plum tree.png

Spring Bstar.png 10
Sstar.png 15
Gstar.png 16
4 days Yes

Apricot tree.png

Coffee Bean
Summer Bstar.png 12
Sstar.png 12
Gstar.png 13
3 days No
Summer Bstar.png 17
Sstar.png 18
Gstar.png 19
5 days Yes
Summer Bstar.png 19
Sstar.png 20
Gstar.png 22
3 days Yes
Fall Bstar.png 17
Sstar.png 18
Gstar.png 19
? Yes
Winter Bstar.png 12
Sstar.png 13
Gstar.png 14
3 days No

Bushes take 10 days before fully grown, and are harvested by the same rules as the trees, needing to be shaken at least every 5 days to produce at full capacity.

Bushes Season Sell Price Rot time Candy Maker
Summer Bstar.png14
3 days No
Summer Bstar.png13
3 days No

Crops by Season

There are only two crops that can be grown in all planting seasons; Straw and Wheat. Straw is primarily used to feed livestock and is also used in house and animal barn or coop upgrades, while Wheat is primarily ground into flour using the Flour Mill. Both must be harvested using a scythe, and cannot be picked by hand unlike the other crops.

Crop Growth Time (before harvesting) Harvest (per crop) Sell Price Rot time Additional Info
7 days 1-3 Wheat Bstar.png 9
Sstar.png 10
Gstar.png 11
14 days Requires a scythe to harvest.
Straw (Hay)
8 days 1-3 Straw 4 - Requires a scythe to harvest.


Including the all-season crops, there are eight crops growable during spring, as well as three fruit trees; cherry, plum, and apricot. Information on the crops can be found in the table below.

Crop Growth Time (before harvesting) Harvest (per crop) Sell Price Rot time Additional Info
3 days 1-3 turnips Bstar.png 9
Sstar.png 10
Gstar.png 11
5 days Spring
5 days 1-2 onions Bstar.png 9
Sstar.png 11
Gstar.png 12
7 days Spring and Fall
6 days 1-2 cabbage Bstar.png 10
Sstar.png 11
Gstar.png 12
6 days Spring
6 days 1-2 potatoes Bstar.png 10
Sstar.png 12
Gstar.png 14
7 days Spring and Fall
8 days 1-3 peas Bstar.png 11
Sstar.png 13
Gstar.png 14
5 days Spring
Continues to produce every two days after first harvest
12 days 1 pineapple Bstar.png ?
Sstar.png ?
? Spring
Rarely drops seeds, must be purchased


The summer season is the busiest season to grow food, with the most available seeds and fruits. Including the all-season crops, and Onions, which can also be grown in Spring, Summer has 11 crops and 3 fruit trees; coffee, peach, and lemon. This is also the only season in which Raspberries and Blueberries can be harvested from their bushes. Information on the crops can be found in the table below.

Crop Growth Time (before harvesting) Harvest (per crop) Sell Price Rot time Additional info
3 days 1-2 Tomatoes Bstar.png 9
Sstar.png 10
Gstar.png 11
4 days ?
5 days 1-2 Cucumbers Bstar.png 12
Sstar.png 12
Gstar.png 13
4 days Continues to produce every two days after first harvest.
6 days 1-3 Corn Bstar.png 10
Sstar.png 11
Gstar.png 13
7 days ?
7 days 1 Cotton Bstar.png 13
Sstar.png 15
Gstar.png 17
20 days ?
7 days 1 Watermelon Bstar.png 21
Sstar.png 23
Gstar.png 24
5 days ?
7 days 1-2 Hops Bstar.png 11
Sstar.png 11
Gstar.png 12
7 days Continues to produce every two days after first harvest.
10 days 1-2 Indigo Leaves Bstar.png 9
Sstar.png 10
Gstar.png 11
7 days ?
Dragon Fruit
12 days 1-2 Dragon Fruits Bstar.png 80
Sstar.png 85
Gstar.png 91
3 days ?


Fall is the final season before Winter, in which nothing can be grown. This makes it a key time for stockpiling food to be dried and preserved to sustain the family during the Winter. Including the all-season crops, there are 8 Fall crops and only 1 Fruit Tree. The only fruit tree for Fall is the Apple Tree. Information on the crops can be found in the table below.

Crop Growth Time (before harvesting) Harvest (per crop) Sell Price Rot time Additional Info
3 days 1 Beet Bstar.png 9
Sstar.png 11
Gstar.png 12
5 days ?
4 days 1-2 Carrots Bstar.png 11
Sstar.png 13
Gstar.png 14
7 days ?
5 days 1 Garlic Bstar.png 9
Sstar.png 10
Gstar.png 12
7 days ?
7 days 1-3 oats Bstar.png 9
Sstar.png 11
Gstar.png 12
14 days Requires a scythe to harvest.
5 days 1-2 onions Bstar.png 9
Sstar.png 11
Gstar.png 12
7 days Can also be grown in Spring.
7 days 1-2 Pumpkins Bstar.png 17
Sstar.png 20
Gstar.png 23
6 days ?
6 days 1 Squash Bstar.png 16
Sstar.png 19
Gstar.png 22
8 days ?


Winter has no available crops, including the all-season crops. The only exception to this, and the only thing to produce output in Winter is the Persimmon Tree. However, the tree will not grow in Winter, and must be mature before Winter starts in order to produce throughout the season. For this reason, it is recommended to plant a Persimmon tree no later than Fall 6th to ensure it will fruit during that Winter. You can live off forageables in the winter. So be sure to look on the ground or shake bushes near the sea.


All farmed items can be sold through trade with any Villager for the same price.