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A Fruit that grows in Fall. 1 grows on a Fruit Tree per day to hold a maximum of 5. Takes 15 days after planting a Seed to reach maturity, after which point it will bear a single Fruit for every day of Fall for the rest of its existence. Can be eaten as is or used in Cooking, placed on a Drying Rack or Preservative Jar. Can be placed in a Candy Maker.

Energy given: ?
Rot time: ? Days
Bstar.png 17/35
Sstar.png 18
Gstar.png 19

Received Good Item Used Sell Price Rot Time Time To Produce Energy Given
Candy Apple.png
Candied Apple
Candy Maker Bstar.png 32
Sstar.png 37
Gstar.png 42
14 Days 4 Hrs ?
Preservative Jar Bstar.png 25
Sstar.png 30
Gstar.png 35
28 Days 24 Hrs 12
Dried Fruit.png
Dried Fruit
Drying Rack Bstar.png ?
Sstar.png 20
Gstar.png 27
20 Days 24 Hrs ?

Recipes requiring Apple:

  • Apple Cider
  • Caramel Apple
  • Mince Pie
  • Autumn Salad