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A winter storm

Winter is the final Season of the year. No Crops can be grown, but Foraged items may be gathered. Items from the Preservative Jar or Drying Rack, namely Fish, are a good source of energy from the limited choices. Ships only come to Honeywood on the first weekend of the Season, so if any Villagers die then they will not be replaced until Spring. The festivals include the Crafting Contest, Winter Gala, and the Lantern Festival. Snow regularly falls in this Season which many people report to cause computer issues.

Fruit Trees

Persimmon is the only Fruit that grows in Winter. 2 Persimmon trees grow in the Graveyard. They can be grown on your Farm, but the Seed cannot be grown in Winter.

Fruit tree Sell Price Rot time Candy Maker
Bstar.png 12
Sstar.png 13
Gstar.png 14
3 days No


The following items may be found across Honeywood at this time of year, predominately used in Cooking.

Forageable Where to find Sell Price Additional info Use Rot
Found on ground by bushes [rare spawn] Bstar.png 4
Sstar.png 5
Gstar.png 6
- Cooking, dye 7 days
On bushes outside Mayors Manor Bstar.png 3
Sstar.png 5
Gstar.png 6
- Cooking 6 days
Near the base of trees across the map Bstar.png 2
Sstar.png 3
Gstar.png 4
- Cooking 8 days
On bushes by the dock and lighthouse Bstar.png 3
Sstar.png 5
Gstar.png 6
- Crafting, Soap 5 days
Wild Onion
Found on the ground in forested areas Bstar.png 8
Sstar.png ?
Gstar.png 9
- Cooking 5 days
Oyster Mushroom
Found on trees in the forest Bstar.png 16
Sstar.png 18
Gstar.png 19
- Cooking 3 days
Wild Cranberry.png
Wild Cranberry
Found on trees in the forest and on ground across map Bstar.png 6
Sstar.png 7
Gstar.png 9
Only available on Winter 12
during the Winter Gala Event
Cooking 3 days
Found on the ground Can't be sold - ? 5 days


Only the Crafting Contest has competition and a substantial money prize. The event is held in a tent behind the School House on Winter 6 at 9AM. Speaking with the Mayor allows you to enter the contest. You are given until 3PM/15:00 to speak with the judges for hints about what to build and to build it. You are teleported to the tent by the deadline. You can offer items you have previously crafted. Whatever is presented is returned to your inventory upon conclusion of the event. The winning prize is a declaration of crafting mastership (signed by the King himself!) and 500 gold. Page writer is not sure if these exact prizes are awarded the following year.

The Winter Gala is a fairly social event held on Winter 12. Upon receiving the invitation in the mail, you are asked if you would like to participate in the event. Regardless of your answer, Wild Cranberry spawns across the map, which does not appear any other day. They may be gathered and given to the Mayor prior to the start of the Event (5PM/17:00) or kept to sell, use in Cooking, or save to be given the following year. The Event is held in the Town Hall. Much like the Bonfire in it is a time when the entire town gathers, Recipes such as Twelfth Cake, Marzipan, Mince Pie, Plum Pudding and Fruitcake may be purchased, and nothing happens. The next morning you receive a letter that comments on your participation and are potentially rewarded with a small gift of money and a single Cranberry Punch.

The Lantern Festival is held on Winter 21 at 9PM/21:00 at the docks near the Sleeping Siren Inn. To participate in the event, a Paper Lantern must be bought (from the Lighthouse Keeper?). Nothing of great significance happens at this time, merely a gathering of the town to say farewell to the year.