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The union between the Player and a Villager. Marriage is not required to adopt, but it is necessary if one wishes to have biological Children who will carry on the family name. Biological sex has no bearing on the Marriage or who carries the Child, should that decision be made.


Once you are at full friendship points with your intended, buy a Marriage Bouquet from the Lighthouse Keeper and gift it to them. If you are not at full friendship points then you will be turned down. If they accept, they ask you to be at a friendship level of 50 points with someone they are close to (Page writer is not sure what happens if a Death Cake is introduced here. Probably bugs so don't do it). Once this task has been completed, the intended agrees to go on a date with you to one of three locations on the next day or the day after that. Available locations are the waterfall near The Mines at noon, the Tavern at 6pm/18:00 or by the Lighthouse also at 6pm18:00. Weather and Season do not affect this choice. It is wise to save before the Date in case you are rejected. Before the Date you need to buy a Wedding Ring. The higher the quality, the higher the chances of your intended saying yes.

Your intended will arrive at the agreed upon location at the agreed upon time, waiting for you to act. At this point you can gift the Wedding Ring (suddenly not sure how this works if you gave them the bouquet the day before). They will inform you immediately of their decision. If rejected, reload the save until success. If they do agree to marry you, they say it will happen at noon the next day in the Town Hall.


No earlier than Midnight on the day of the Wedding, you will be prompted what members of your and your intended's family will move in or move out upon the Marriage. The decisions made happen immediately.

At noon you will be teleported to the Town Hall and prompted with if you want to wear a white dress or black frock for the Wedding. You are unable to choose what your Spouse wears. The Mayor officiates the Wedding, saying general Wedding stuff. Both you and your Spouse are asked if you would like to proceed, you both nod in agreement. Upon the final words being said, the two of you "kiss", coming together in an embrace. At the conclusion of the ceremony, you both walk down the decorated aisle and exit the Town Hall. No bugs if you are marrying the Mayor, just amusing to see them officiate their own Wedding.

Pregnancy and Children discussed in Generations.