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Students in a classroom

As players progress in Echoes of the Plum Grove, they will advance through generations of descendants. These are progressed by building relationships with other characters. Once you have built up a relationship with a single adult villager, you can buy a marriage bouquet from the Lavender Boutique and gift it to your intended. If they agree to date you, a quest will pop up on your intended where you must befriend someone they are close to in order to move forward with the relationship. Once the quest if fulfilled, your intended will ask you where you should go on a date. Three choices of a date location will pop up and once you have selected your date location and time, they will meet you there. Before you head to your date, remember to buy a wedding ring to propose with at the blacksmith. There are four rings you can propose with, each ranging in price. The most expensive ring will guarantee your proposals success. Do not be late to your date as your intended will be on time and will only wait an hour before walking away. If you do not propose within the date window, you will have to try again.


Once you have proposed successfully, you will be wed the next day at the town hall at 12:00. You can marry anyone you wish as long as they are an adult and not married already. NPCs will also marry everyone as long as they are an adult. At midnight on your wedding day, a prompt will pop up showing how you'd like to move in with your intended. Some family members will be allowed to join you in your household along with your spouse as long as you have room within your household and they are a single adult or a child without either parent. If you are marrying a single parent, their child can also come with you, or not.

Start a family

Once you are married, to have a child head to bed and with a 25% chance each night a prompt will pop up asking if you'd like to have a baby. What room the bed is in affects this, in the upgraded Saltbox Home sleeping in a bed in the separate downstairs bedroom will not result in a prompt but sleeping in the main room will.

Once you click yes, two different options will appear where you can choose to get pregnant or adopt. Adopt | A child will appear in your home the first day a passing ship appears.This is happens on Saturday or Sunday. Pregnancy | Another prompt will pop up where you will be able to choose between you and your spouse who becomes pregnant. Gender does not matter. Once pregnant, you will walk with a 'pregnancy walk' for 3 days before the baby is born.

If both parents of a child who already lives in Honeywood die, you can adopt the orphan. For that you need to buy adoption papers from the mayor. When you talk to the orphan then, you will have the ability to select "adopt". If the relationship is not high enough with the child, they can turn down the offer for adoption.

Growing up

Children (yours or other NPCs) will be babies for 3 days before turning into children. Your baby will never be taken away or hurt if you forget to feed or cuddle them. There is a higher chance of them obtaining a negative trait though. Once they are children, you are given the option to either apprentice your child out to another profession, send them to school, or help you work on your farm. On default, they will automatically go to school. Children and adults can have different traits. There are 37 traits altogether. Children and adults like the player can also gain and improve their skills. If you apprentice them out (adult or child family member) depending on where they profession will allow them to gain different skills and an income that you can collect daily. If your children attend school, they will slowly gain all skills. If they help you out on your farm, they will only improve their farming skill and help you to water and harvest your crops.


There are different aging speeds. Fast, Normal, slow and off. There are different settings for aging in general and your own player aging.

Fast aging:

Babies: 1 day



Normal aging:

Babies: 3 days

Children: 2 months

Adults: 4 months

Elderly: a month or two -Note: This was before launch-

Slow aging:

Aging off:

No one will age.


Once you pass away, a prompt will appear and you will be able to choose an offspring to continue on with. If all of your adult children have already moved out of your household, they can still be chosen upon the players death. You do not just have to play on as your child, but it can be anyone within your household. Once you have chosen, their skillset from their childhood and adult job will apply to the new player. Though you lose all your previous characters skills, you still obtain all learned blueprints and recipes from before.