Secret Invite

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A screenshot of the letter; a gray background with lighter gray and gold text on it that reads: A secret gathering awaits. My sisters and I all gather in the deep forest tonight. Come alone. Located: Meet me by the thicket entrance. Date: Tonight 11 PM
The Secret Invite found in the mailbox.
The entrance of the forest thicket.

The Secret Invite is a Quest all players will receive as a letter in their mailbox once they have befriended Astra Vosen. This quest happens twice every year; on Spring 21 and Fall 21.

Quest Progression

The Player must make their way to the deep forest near the thicket entrance where Astra will await for them to arrive at 11 PM. Once there, the option Join Coven will become available when talking to her. Choosing this option will have the Player follow Astra into a glade, where she will change her clothing and be joined by two other witches; Sweet Pea and Desdemona. You will be asked to wait until 1 AM for a small ritual to take place.

Once it strikes 1 AM, the Player and the witches will gather round by the fire pit to where Astra will ask you to choose something to focus on. You are given 3 options to choose: cursing Villagers at random, Blessing of Fertility, or Good Harvest.

After making your choice, the witches will begin their ritual. Afterwards, they will stay around until 3 AM.

Note: Trading with Sweet Pea will offer Rainbow Goats to purchase, whereas Desdemona will offer Midnight Goats.


  • According to one of the developers, this was to tie in with the unused skill: Star Charting. This was later scrapped as it wasn't necessary in the main game loop.
    • A full moon appears at the end of each month, hence why the witches cast a spell on a full moon.
The witches Sweet Pea (left), Astra Vosen (middle), and Desdemona (right) casting a spell on the Player (low middle) under a full moon.